Monday, January 4, 2010

Why Purple Underpants, you ask? (And the effect of American Apparel on our lives).

This blog is my first blog.  And it is about my title choice, of which I am still unsure.  It is also somewhat about sex.  And partly about American Apparel.

I suppose the ring of both "pants" and "purple," coupled with the somewhat dark undertones of "under" kind of pose a sort of appeal to me. In addition, the title brings to mind the first time I slept with my girlfriend. It turned out we were both wearing the same pair of underwear (Or underpants if you prefer) but didn't realize this until our one night stand (which has since turned into a 3 year stand) felt the morning light cast upon the sordid evidence of two matching pairs of women's American Apparel underwear on the floor.  That's right, it was a very lesbionic evening.  We both had a good laugh at this, followed by further laughing as we also could not distinguish the two from each other. As it turned out I wore the wrong pair home, and what tipped me off to their fallacy was the smell. Now, don't get gross on me. I don't mean to say anything about secretions. No, it was the laundry detergent that gave it away. Her detergent had a much different perfumey sort of French smell that my Eco friendly brand.

Perhaps this is the reasoning to my title selection.  More likely, I'm a little tipsy and that's the first thing that came to mind and wah-la it wasn't taken. In reality, these swapped underwears from my previous story were neither Purple, nor Pants, but in fact black. 

Here is the email I delivered the day after this affair:

So, we totally switched underwear. I don't know what kind of detergent you use, but it has a distinctly different smell than mine. And when I say detergent, I really do just mean detergent.

Anyways, thanks for letting me sleep in your bed. Thanks for the drink delivery, the dancing, the great kisses, the hot sex, the ride home and the um, underwear? Wow. When you line up the chain of events like that it really paints a distinct portrait. Should we trade back the underwear? I think we could probably change American Apparel's whole ad campaign with an underwear switch premise...

Hope ice skating ruled.

I am sooooo charming.

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